Thursday 29 November 2012


omg.....amirah aisyah da abes spm! x sgke an???5 taon kot dok kt skola tuh....phewww...2...seme org da aq jmpe...baek,,jaht,,comey...cun...seme lah...n yg pnting ..da abes pon da x jmpe lekiu da pas nie...huhuhu,,,sek bek la an???kalo x?dose sokmo la aku...ehem2...yeayea....mnyampah nyerr aq ngan dyee...seyes....oke la...tgh sedey...tggalkn kwn2...kt skola...seme sdey2..nanges2 wktu nk balek arituh...omg./..tacing bah....k..bye..out lu..nk tdo...mklomla...abes spm an???

Saturday 15 September 2012


ehem2....buku addmath kt plih bkk first post aq at cini..mmndgkan blog ney farnie yg tlog to her.....:)..trimas nk hapdate belog mybe ni kali trakhirr dak wisdom(nme batch aq) balek...after dis...kteorg x balek daa...struggle 4 spm...doe..then...ari ney adlah my besday....da 17 tahun kott hdup...hai...tacink...da tue...ley kawen da taon depan...yeay.....hak2.....n..4 de first la besday pling best....umi kasi kek,,,nnek blanje topap...abh kasi taw adah besday ialah....pi umrah...isyaallah..taon depan...bln 2..da dftar name you....emm...lekiu wish!!!wat a srprise....igt an x nk???hak2...oke2...da nk ending alg da bsing nk mohon maaf ats sgale dose yg d buat...doakn aq straight A's sapm...nk sgt2 dpt 9A taw~...

Thursday 23 August 2012

Tukang Start ^_^

Ehem ! Rase menyemak ? Lantak lah ~~ Tak kire , aku nak rasmi ! Haha ! Oke2 dah puas , selamat blogging la kwn ... Maaf la byk sgt credits to me ! Hoho . Keyh , eh , xpe2 , same-same . Tak kesah , tolong kawan je pun . Hee~~

Jap ! Jgn lupe follow aku .. tq .

Yg sgt benar,
hlovaifar missao ^^